latest 8 messages by unlmtd[m]

+ [2016-11-09T11:55:14Z] unlmtd[m] im just laughing at this.. why bother render it? Ahahah!
+ [2016-11-09T11:47:53Z] unlmtd[m] Ill just mirror everything to gogs so I can make the interface 'usable'
+ [2016-11-09T11:46:52Z] unlmtd[m] yea I tried running gitlab once and it cured me of it
+ [2016-11-09T11:46:09Z] unlmtd[m] gogs can do this .. is gh losing its edge?
+ [2016-11-09T11:43:29Z] unlmtd[m] the html rendering of markdown files doesnt resize to window size
+ [2016-11-04T16:28:00Z] unlmtd[m] matrix script in weechat. slow as hell but not a browser